About Fenugreek

Fenugreek leaves & Seeds

Fenugreek, native to India and Southern Europe has been a staple for centuries.

The ancient Egyptians used it to treat fever, and it’s revered in India for its healthful culinary applications.
Sanskrit Name: Methika
English Name: Fenugreek
Latin Name:  Trigonella foenum-gracum

Family: Fabaceae
Common Name: Fenugreek
Part Used: Seeds, Leaves

Ayurvedic Properties

Taste Katu

Taste (Rasa): Katu (Pungent)

Attributes (Guna): Laghu (Light), Snigdha (Oily)

Attributes (Guna): Laghu (Light), Snigdha (Oily)

Potency (Virya): Ushna (Hot)

Potency (Virya): Ushna (Hot)

Vipaka (Post-digestive): Katu (Pungent)

Vipaka (Post-digestive): Katu (Pungent)

Medicinal Properties

Respiratory Health:

Fenugreek seeds and leaves are anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, and carminative.


Helps reduce bad cholesterol, aids digestion, and promotes hair health.

Fenugreek leaves & Seeds


Fenugreek is an aromatic annual herb, 30-60 cm in height. Its trifoliate leaves, whitish flowers, and distinctive pods containing seeds make it easily identifiable.



Trigonella foenum-graecum
  • Fenugreek seeds are beneficial as they help in lowering the LDL (bad cholesterol) levels that prevent heart diseases.
  • They help steady blood sugar levels by slowing absorption of carbohydrates and improving insulin sensitivity.
  • The seeds are rich in powerful compounds such as 4-hydroxyisoleucine that stimulate secretion of insulin to help regulate glucose (sugar) levels.
  • Fenugreek blood detoxifies the blood and eliminates harmful toxins for a healthier internal system.
  • It helps to dissolve extra mucus and is cleansing and detoxifying to the digestive tract.
  • Fenugreek seeds, which are rich in proteins, nourish hair follicles, helping to minimize breakage while promoting new growth.
  • The natural emollient lecithin fortifies and hydrates moisture, helping to repel dryness and brittleness.
  • Anti-fungal properties of fenugreek keep dandruff and lice at bay which leads to a healthy scalp and lustrous hair.
Benefits of Fenugreek

Home Remedies

Postpartum Recovery

Postpartum Recovery:

Fenugreek laddus helps in digestion and increases breast milk.
Digestive Health

Digestive Health:

A decoction of seeds relieves gas and colic.

Hair Care

Hair Care:

Pasta untuk menguatkan rambut dan mencegah ketombe.

Methika Capsule



Contraindications for blood thinning

Do not take if on blood-thinning medication.


If hypertensive, or suffering from hemorrhagic disorders, consult doctor.

Chemical Composition

  • Rich in iron, silicon and sodium salts.

  • Rich in alkaloids, mucilages and fibre.

  • Get better insulin secretion and glucose usage

Chemical Composition